Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another West Virginian Being an Idiot

Michelle Malkin is reporting that Morgan Spurlock, the West Virginia boy made good with his documentary "Super Size Me", has made a damn fool of himself at a speaking engagement at a high school.

Super-size mouth, apparently.

Shame. I really liked the movie, and it seemed like Morgan was a decent guy.

Friday, March 17, 2006

A Significant Development in the Boulevard debate

This is good news for those of us who don't like the way the boulevard plans have been handled:

According to a Daily Mail Article in Thursday's paper Mayor Danny Jones essentially is signaling that the boulevard is not the hill he's prepared to die on.
"I'm not cooling off to the idea," Jones said Wednesday. "I'm being practical."

Also, the Kanawha County Historical
and Preservation Society has put the Boulevard on its list of endangered sites in the Kanawha Valley. In December, John Wehrle, vice president of the society, said messing with the Boulevard would be like messing with the state Capitol

I think this means that the political power base has wisely decided it isn't up to the task financially.