Tuesday, September 12, 2006


This strikes me as odd.

A FedEx drop box outside the main post office, on post office property.

It's tantamount to having a WalMart kiosk inside the vestibule at Target. No wonder they keep raising the price of stamps.


clear eyes said...

Perhaps you missed the partnering agreement between the US Post Office and FedEx a few years back. I believe that FedEx handles part of the transportation of some US Postal parcels (though not final delivery) as part of the partnership and gets some marketing benefits like the box in your photo as a result. It's been a few years since the agreement, so I'm not entirely sure about what is covered in the agreement.

Charles West said...

Well I guess I did miss the announcement, but it's still absurd.

It's like McDonalds inviting a hot dog vendor to set up in their parking lot.

primalscreamx said...

Or like maybe Graffiti putting up a newspaper box in front of the Gazette and Daily Mail building, which is already a confusing/confounding sort of arrangement as it is.