The one blog that has meant more to me than the others is that of a girl from Mosul named Najma. She is the exact same age as my oldest daughter and for the past four years I have seen her struggle with the same life issues that my daughter faces, the main difference being that Najma's difficulties include bombs, tanks and soldiers. In spite of the war in her country, though, many of her biggest concerns and fears are about her grades and the social things that young girls worry about universally.
I have learned a great deal about Iraq, war, cultural and religious prejudice and the news media by reading these blogs. I highly recommend the practice. Here is a list of currently active Iraqi bloggers. Be warned, they vary greatly in their viewpoint from pro-America to vehemently anti-West. Some are remarkable for the way they blog about life just as most American bloggers without ever mentioning politics or the war and some are only about the war.